Necessitate and Effective Usage of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Routingly Testing for Web Application AbstractSoftware testing is a required process that safeguards customer byadminOctober 18, 2023
Current Trends in Big Data and Data Mining (with Applications to Robotics) The increasing digitisation of everything we use in today’s world is leading to byadminOctober 16, 2023
Advances in Business Analytics and Big Data Cloud Deployment Emerging cutting edge advances in data science are continuing to have immense byadminOctober 16, 2023
Construction of User’s Navigation Sessions from Web Logs for Web Usage Mining Source: Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Volume 17, Numbers byadminSeptember 1, 2020
Research PapersOctober 18, 2023 Necessitate and Effective Usage of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Routingly Testing for Web Application AbstractSoftware testing is a required process that safeguards customer byadmin
Published Media WritingsOctober 16, 2023 Current Trends in Big Data and Data Mining (with Applications to Robotics) The increasing digitisation of everything we use in today’s world is leading to byadmin
Published Media WritingsOctober 16, 2023 Advances in Business Analytics and Big Data Cloud Deployment Emerging cutting edge advances in data science are continuing to have immense byadmin
Research PapersSeptember 1, 2020 Construction of User’s Navigation Sessions from Web Logs for Web Usage Mining Source: Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Volume 17, Numbers byadmin
Published Media WritingsMarch 3, 2020 Emerging Techniques In Smart Automotive System The large data generating nature of autonomous vehicles poses many important byadmin
Published Media WritingsJanuary 29, 2020 Data Science, IoT and Reinforcement Learning in High Tech Manufacturing Modern day enterprises need to be very agile and efficient in order to succeed byadmin
Technology BlogsDecember 21, 2019 Part of Technical committee- Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing Conference -Japan The Association for Computing Machinery2 Penn Plaza, Suite 701New York New York byadmin
Published Media WritingsDecember 16, 2019 Emerging techniques for Secure IOT Deployment Remember the first time a recommendation engine suggested a movie you might like byadmin
Published Media WritingsDecember 12, 2019 It’s much simpler than you think! Machine learning gives computers the power to constantly learn without being byadmin
Research PapersAugust 10, 2019 Improved Bat Algorithm using Super-RegionVolume Segmentation for Medical Images I byadmin